The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of addiction our subconscious has been imprinted with a sense of lack and that we and or our life is inadequate unless we have ____ fill in the blank with your craving of desire. Nothing ever feels good enough now unless we have our desire of choice. Because trauma and hurtful experiences are actually highly overstimulating on our nervous system, we accidently become addicted to it. And while we may not be addicted to the original abuse or hurt we experienced, we do subconsciously get addicted to overstimulation on our nervous system. So now we think our nervous system needs to always be overstimulated otherwise we feel like life is empty, depressing, or void. This then creates a feedback loop though where our tolerance keeps rising, we get bored, and so always have to push the envelope for novel experiences and more overstimulation. The healing for this wound is actually to address and reconcile the original violations that happened to us instead of masking them with overstimulation. We ironically need to stop overstimulating ourselves and sit with what comes up when we don’t run to our desires to feel good. We have to face what is underneath our discomfort and learn to be okay not feeling okay. We have to learn emotional regulation and composure in the face of discomfort. The most important part of this healing is to see that we are violating ourselves and our own potential by becoming an addict to overstimulation and we are perpetuating the feeling of emptiness in life and usually destroying our life and relationships in the process. From there we will finally start to push ourselves to heal and make lifestyle changes because we authentically want to move on and don’t want to feed the cycle anymore. We have to learn to feel satisified with less stimulation and to appreciate life without needing to constantly chase a high. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I addicted Where does addiction come from Why do I have addictions Why are they an addict Cravings Addictive personality #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addiction