
Chidiebere Onyegbuchulem

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Product Designer
WorkSpace is a kanban board tool built with React and TypeScript that I developed to enhance my technical skills while gaining a complete understanding of building a product from beginning to end. The tool allows users to sign in with Email, Google, or as guests, and create multiple boards, lists, and tickets that they can reorder and delete.
The development process allowed me to learn different aspects of the full development cycle, including research, planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. I faced multiple challenges while building the tool, but using Firebase for backend services, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Authentication, and Firebase Hosting, allowed me to handle data storage, persistence, and authentication effectively.
To enhance user experience, I used Tailwind for styles, Firebase UI for sign-in UI, and React Query for server-state management. In addition, I used React Context to manage local-state, and @hello-pangea/dnd for drag and drop functionality.
I plan to add more features to the application, such as assigning users to tickets, setting due dates, and setting up email notifications, while improving the code quality and reducing bugs with tests.
I am excited to continue improving my technical skills by working on this project and future projects.
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