Custom Payments Gateway

Michał Rączka

Backend Engineer
Web Developer
Product Manager

Build a scalable implementation of a distributed payment gateway for a nationally recognizable NGO running charity invitiates and having tousands of donors. Most of the fund raising activities happens on-line with domestic and foregin contributons through multiple websites and dedicated landing pages.

My project brief was to replace existing payment forms implemented in different stacks across many web locations with a new unified, distributed system that had to meet those requirements:

client-server architecture, with single API to run the actual financial transaction, handle different scenarios and allow single source-of-truth about donations and their donors

allow for deep visual customization for each client payment form to match the hosting website or landing page

ensure data consistency and valdiation including GDPR needs such as marketing consent tracking

plan for high traffic spikes during wide media coverage across main tv and radio stations withing short period of times

well documented software implementation on top of stack selected by the customer to allow further development and maitenance by the inhouse and external teams

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