
Shloka Mahesheka

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Visual Studio Code

A virtual art gallery lets users interact with the images uploaded such as liking an image, adding a comment and adding to favourites.

How idea came?

The client needed a method which preserves their art. So, they came up with the idea to make it virtual and for people to view it.


  • Without logging in the landing page will open where all images will be displayed. Users can register/login to get access to further features. On hovering over an image, the image gets enlarged and the number of likes for that image is shown.
  • When a user is not logged in, upon clicking any image a pop-up message is displayed telling them to log in.
  • After the user gets logged in, they have two options- change the password and log out.
  • A logged-in upon clicking an image, an image carousel opens which contains image description and comments.
  • The comments displayed are in order that last comes first along with how many minutes before it was posted.

Landing Page

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