This is the backend for kalavithi- virtual art gallery.
All the APIs and connection to Postgres SQL is done using Spring Boot, Java and using Gradle as a built-in tool.
For unit testing, JUnit and hamcrest are used.
It is developed on Spring MVC architecture, with Controller, Service and Repository.
All the APIs are tested using Postman.
For login, we have used Spring Boot authentication allowing Cross Origin to pass information from React to Spring Bot.
For registering new users, the data is stored in the database. The password is hashed and while checking for login, these hashed values are checked.
For keeping count of likes, a table in the database keeps track of it. As soon as an image gets liked. the liked count for that particular image is updated in the database.
Similarly for adding to favourites, for every user and for every image a boolean value is associated. True means it is added to the favourite and false means not.