
Shloka Mahesheka

Backend Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Spring Boot

This is the backend for kalavithi- virtual art gallery.

All the APIs and connection to Postgres SQL is done using Spring Boot, Java and using Gradle as a built-in tool.

For unit testing, JUnit and hamcrest are used.

It is developed on Spring MVC architecture, with Controller, Service and Repository.

All the APIs are tested using Postman.


  • For login, we have used Spring Boot authentication allowing Cross Origin to pass information from React to Spring Bot.
  • For registering new users, the data is stored in the database. The password is hashed and while checking for login, these hashed values are checked.
  • For keeping count of likes, a table in the database keeps track of it. As soon as an image gets liked. the liked count for that particular image is updated in the database.
  • Similarly for adding to favourites, for every user and for every image a boolean value is associated. True means it is added to the favourite and false means not.

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