Like all Loan Originators know, getting the leads can be the hardest part of the job. Most originators had at least one day saying to themselves "If I just had a way to get more decent leads, I could sell so many more mortgages." That's where Service Leads LLC comes in. We find those hard to find leads. We make sure to only have good quality ones. Are you tired of calling someone only to find out that they had no idea they were signing up to look into a mortgage? It's a waste of your time and their time. We have the ability to filter out leads with poor credit. (You don't get leads with poor credit at all!) 90% of clients averaged at least 1 closed transaction every 25 leads that we supply to them (after 180 days). Best of all, the packages
start out at just $1000 for 40 exclusive guaranteed leads. Keep in mind, these leads are already checked with White Pages Pro to make sure you can contact them. You won't get any "Fred Flinstone/Santa Clause" leads with us!