Course: Svelte & SvelteKit: The Complete Guide

Ali Alaa

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer
A complete guide on building high performance, accessible, server side rendered web apps that work even with JavaScript disabled using Svelte & SvelteKit.
You can view the course on my website or on Udemy.
Demo of an app that was created in the course:
Watch on YouTube
Some of the students' reviews:

I attended many courses on udemy but this course is outstanding. so detailed and well explained and also with such a realistic project. every react and vue developer should join this course. you won't regret it.

Wonderful lectures! Ali is thorough and explains concepts well. He is really good at dropping "Eureka!" moments on you.

Best tutorial on svelte and svelte kit that i have found so far. Its mostly bcoz svelte doesnt have that big of a communit yet but this is a masterpiece if u r trying to learn svelte.

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