Udemy Course: The Complete GitHub Actions & Workflows Guide

Ali Alaa

DevOps Engineer
Content Creator
A complete course on GitHub's CI/CD service known as GitHub actions. This is one of my most successfull courses with over 26,000 students and an average rating of around 4.5 starts.
You can view the course on my website or on Udemy.
Here are some of the reviews from students:

I found this course well thought through and well structured as well as information presented is practical and easy to digest. Thanks 5 stars

It was a pleasant and knowledgeable course. Learned a lot about Github Actions that will prove beneficial to my career.

This is the best course "I have ever seen on Udemy"..not just for GitHub Actions, but in general for all. It contains everything.. almost all possible scenarios. Every section have concept explained, implementation and execution. I have recommended this course to everyone in my team, kind of made it mandatory to all of them. Pretty good work!

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