1. KUNG FU PANDA (Shifu)- Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Created a clean plate. Painted out stereo artifacting within the character. Color corrected elements to match plate.
2. KUNG FU PANDA (Oogway) - Composted elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Created a clean plate of the candles. Painted out stereo artifacting within the character. Color corrected elements to match plate.
3. KUNG FU PANDA (Po) - Composted elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Recreated a depth map. Painted out stereo artifacting within the character.
4. PRIEST (skull cave) - Tracked and created a clean plate without the character and flashlight using combination of Mocha Pro and Nuke. Keyed out the blue hue in Nuke.
5. PRIEST (doll) - Created a clean plate in Mocha Pro. Painted out stereo artifacting using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop.
6. KUNG FU PANDA (Shifu) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Created a clean plate. Painted out stereo artifacting within the character. Color corrected elements to match plate.
7. KUNG FU PANDA (Zeng and Shifu) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Created a clean plate without the characters. Color corrected the elements to match the plate.
Rotoscoped the pillar in the background. Painted in motion blur.
8. GREEN HORNET (Kato and Lenore) - Rotoscoped Kato. Tracked and created a clean plate in Mocha Pro and Adobe After Effects.
9. KUNG FU PANDA (Po) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Created a clean plate for missing elements in the background. Used 3D tracking to patch areas on screen right building. Color corrected elements to match plate. Used rotos to deal with stereo artifacting.
10. KUNG FU PANDA (several characters) - Composted elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Recreated the background using rotoscopes, blur, color correction, and tracks. Tracked in missing characters. Used rotos and paint to fix stereo artifacts.
11. GREEN HORNET (Kato and Chudnofsky fight scene) - Built the scene out into stereo and did clean up using Legend 3D’s proprietary software.
12. TRANSFORMERS 3 - Created a clean plate in Mocha Pro. Rotoscoped character. Painted out stereo artifacting in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop.
13. KUNG FU PANDA (Po) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Created depth maps for missing characters. Color corrected the elements to match the plate. Rotoscoped character extras, bamboos, rock, and miscellaneous items and tracked them to recreate them in the scene.
Rotoscoped and painted motion blur.
14. KUNG FU PANDA (Po and Shifu) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Color corrected elements to match plate.
15. KUNG FU PANDA (chopsticks and dumpling) - Composted elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Created a clean plate. Color corrected elements to match plate.
16. KUNG FU PANDA (Po and rabbit) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Tracked and created a clean plate without the characters and tables. Color corrected elements to match plate. Recreated shadows on the ground. Rotoscoped tables and coins.
17. KUNG FU PANDA (Po) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo.
Recreated the background using rotoscopes, blur, color correction, and tracks from a similar scene.
Rotoscoped Po’s teeth and painted to remove stereo artifacting within Po.
18. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4 (Jack) - Group project. Painted out stereo artifacting between trees and leaves using Legend 3D’s proprietary software and Adobe After Effects.
19. PRIEST (Hicks and Priest) - Created a clean plate using Mocha Pro and Nuke. Painted stereo artifacting in Adobe After Effects. Rotoscoped characters, motorcycles, fire.
20. PRIEST (tackle) - Created a clean plate in Mocha Pro and Nuke. Rotoscoped characters. Painted stereo artifacting in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, and Nuke.
21. PRIEST (alien) - Rotoscoped the alien. Tracked and created a clean plate in Mocha Pro. Painted stereo artifacting in Nuke.
22. PRIEST (Priest and aliens) - Tracked and created a clean plate in Nuke and Mocha Pro. Painted out stereo artifacting in Adobe After Effects.
23. TRANSFORMERS 3 (parachuters) - Rotoscoped characters, created a clean plate, and keyed out ray of light in Nuke.
24. TRANSFORMERS 3 (Wang) - Built out stereo depth using Legend 3D’s proprietary software.
25. GREEN HORNET (Britt and Kato) - Rotoscoped characters. Composited elements in Nuke. Painted out stereo artifacting within characters. Color corrected.
26. GREEN HORNET (Britt and Kato) - Composited elements in Nuke. Painted out stereo artifacting in Adobe After Effects.
27. KUNG FU PANDA (Shifu and Po) - Composited elements in Nuke and used a depth map to build it out in stereo. Used rotoscopes and painted out stereo artifacting. Recreated motion blur.
28. KUNG FU PANDA (Po) - Painted stereo artifacting in Nuke. Realigned Po so his feet touched the ground plane.