Developed backend for the application using NestJS, Auth0, microservices technology.
Performed optimization with caching using Redis. Also revisited microservices communication to speed up user experience by 25%.
Acted as one of the lead developers in building the application architecture. Developed the database schema, took part in designing the application services.
Developed a server-side Email application using HTML5, CSS3, Express, MJML, Mustache, Handlebars technologies. Linked the developed mailing server with Airtable, which optimized the process of notifying clients.
Developed backend API for SaaS product. Built a chat room based on Socket.IO technology In addition, my team and I successfully implemented a content management system Added push notifications using APN technology. Implemented caching mechanisms to optimize application performance and reduce load time using Redis. Also, implemented AWS S3, AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFront in the project.