The click of 1 button can do wonders for SEO

Fabian van Til


SEO Specialist

SEO Content Manager

Search Engine Marketing

Google Merchant Center

Google Search Console


Yes, I just clicked on one button.
You just gotta know where to find it! Now listen, this will not work for every site. Only for very specific niches.
Niches searching for a specific product. This site specifically was in the superfoods niche.
But what did I actually do?
Mind you, this took me 10 minutes to do at the end of 2023.
Site's been getting nice traffic ever since...
Enough stalling, let's talk results and how it's done.
Screenshot from Semrush
Screenshot from Semrush
Remember, 10 minutes.
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Google. Merchant. Center.
Yes, the thing that powers up your Google Shopping campaigns. Many people mistakenly only use it for Google Ads. But for low competition shopping intended keywords, these are taken over by organic search results. But we can also let them appear in organic search results.
With most accounts, this is turned off by default (🤯) Same rules apply. CTR maximisation is key...
For this projects: 3X organic traffic in 50 days.
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How simple tricks (you just gotta know) instantly make a huuuuuge difference for your SEO campaign.






SEO Specialist

SEO Content Manager

Search Engine Marketing

Google Merchant Center

Google Search Console


Fabian van Til

I Help & Build Ecom Brands Through SEO & Funnels

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