⚠️ Important Disclaimer : This is a fan-crafted redesign for exploration purposes, and I do not have any affiliation with Agnos in any capacity.
The Redesigned Agnos App. Explore the Process in the Provided Slideshow.
Key changes :
Improved Overall App Navigation → through the new tab bar with ai search bar
Added Modern Natural Language AI touch → ask anything, search symptom, doctor, hospital & clinique, and article through the new ai search bar
Tuned App Color → Much approachable tones, Less stressful colors
Greeting Experience → Added greeting message with gentle gradient, and the main CTA (call to action) buttons. Elevating the user experience and convey a sense of humanity.
Improved Overall UX Writing & Content → Ex. “หน้าหลัก” to “วันนี้”, “บทความ” to “หมอ”, “ข้อมูลส่วนตัว” to “คุณ”
New UI Card System → The new UI card system includes the following features:
Clinique Card: features a “📞 call button” and a “🗺️ distance button” that enable users to initiate navigation within their preferred map application.
Article Card: The article card includes an “📕 estimated reading time” indicator, a “👤share button,” and a “🔖 bookmark button.”
Typography Changes → Pivot to utilize “Taviraj” font as the primary UI font. This change will preserve the brand’s trustworthiness and improve readability.
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Posted Nov 6, 2024
Fan-crafted redesign of Agnos mobile telemedicine application