Central Park SOLE: SEO Optimized Article and Promotional Email

Rachel Sullivan


Email Marketer

AI Content Editor

Content Writer




Central Park SOLE

By Rachel Sullivan

Long-form technical writing optimized for SEO to provide a basic overview of how PRP Injections work for patients and users of the website. Written for a Podiatry Private Practice.


Topic research - self education on medical procedure and applications across different medical fields, across different modes and methodologies for treatment inside regenerative medicine, and decision of focus for article based on breath of use of procedure outside nice
Keyword Research (organic) - what are people searching specific to PRP, PRP injections, what common terms come up with this, when performing secondary search, what leads to common search terms, and when performing tertiary analysis, what are more human-geared and centered searches tying the topic for the niche together with the commonalities in keyword search considering the very probable likelihood (backed up by the tertiary round of research) that few people are organically searching for PRP in comparison to what they search for that is related to what PRP does, as it is connected to both podiatry and this practice
Analytical Research - common paths, terms, journeys, areas on site, competitive term search based on journeys on company website -- what is the most common thing that comes up in relation to PRP Injections, what else comes up that could de-rank or cause confusion, what is the most relevant
Insights from research: what are people actually trying to find out? How do the dots all connect?
Synthesis of information as it applies to relevance of practice (what can we offer): people do not want to be in pain, they do not want to have surgery, they have foot pain, they more often search for different types of injections (like cortisone) in conjunction with non-surgical, non-surgical is more likely to come up with podiatry, podiatry is more likely to come up with terms foot and ankle together, pain is the name of the game, regenerative medicine is popular but seems to be fairly vague, PRP Injections span many areas and have many uses and are most commonly searched for in conjunction with preventing hair loss second to likelihood it works third to FDA approval, fourth to cost
There is a disparate amount of contextual ways in which PRP is presented across digital sources
The sources that come up most frequently are major hospitals widely known to be centers for medical success and authority, and the articles that come up associated with these are pier-reviewed and have multiple physician / medical doctor (MD) authors
all top ranking websites have accessibility statements, if not a built-in accessibility feature*
all top ranking websites have an explicit statement below each article, though authored by a physician and not just someone with a doctorate, stating that the article should not be confused with medical advice and a disclaimer clearly stating to immediately contact a physician in lieu of taking the article as medical advice**
*This was strongly advised, research about conformance and compliance was proposed, and options for integrating accessibility was strongly advised with the highest urgency, outside merely the implementation of this article, and this remains a barrier. I continue to advocate for implementation for accessibility standards, conformance and/or compliance via the various suggestions and courses of action proposed, especially given the service nature of this business. There remains a lack in ethical compunction causing a professional moral/ethical imbalance
**This was strongly advised (admittedly urged) as points to implement in this article
Promotional email content
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Posted Apr 26, 2023

SEO-optimized technical article for podiatrist about PRP Injections for foot and ankle pain, with corresponding promotional email marketing strategy






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