The more experience a company has the more likely they are to understand your needs and foresee any issues that they can advise you of in advance. This can save you time and money in the long run. They may also be able to advise you on better design suggestions you may not have thought of, which all comes with experience of doing similar projects. Ask them lots of questions It’s always good to have a general discussion on their previous design and build projects, to find out if they had encountered any setbacks, if so, what did they do about them, did this extend the projected timelines, how did this effect the cost etc. As well ask asking design-related questions, make sure you also ask about the build stage – what types of jobs have they previously done, using which skillsets, how much were costs per square meter and for any experience in anything specialist that you are interested in requesting. The design and build company should take responsibility for any problems and be able to provide tangible solutions for their clients.