Interview review

Lasya Gera



Content Editor

Content Writer

‘After feeling disconnected for so long my mind and body are finally coming back to each other.’
We always find the quest of stating reality with augmented reality which we often relate to as virtuality. The world is considered as one with humanity, love, and peace. But if there is more to the sense of togetherness? Still, in advanced times, people find it uneasy to describe their life and find ways to escape reality. Here, escape doesn't define the need to ignore problems but instead ways to subject those problems in day-to-day life.
‘Art is considered a way to express, escape and empower oneself.’ stating the 3E’s the sense of togetherness is still valid it may sound bewitching to some but it's true that art and being able to showcase it can change one's perception, view, and even how they live life.
There is always a matter to discuss, always a cause to claim and always a topic to debate upon till we find a solution, and the irony is that after a vigorous approach by the authorities the answers are still unclaimed. Now here is what art does: it expresses things to a wider public, whether you paint a woman carrying abuse or write about mental health it's always read, viewed, and shared. Living in a world where media is the main submissive way people can easily reflect upon the dualities and the problems they face whether it's women abuse or a protest. But considering the disadvantages, it's not always subject to look up to the media for valid sources as it's vast.
Being a student during the day and writing and illustrating at the dawn one of the famous poets raised her voice about feminism and all the important topics by the means of her poetry, Rupi Kaur. On 5 September 2018, Rupi Kaur was interviewed by Emma Watson about her journey and views about problems faced by people nowadays which was recorded for Emma’s book club-’Our shared shelf’. The main perspective of the interview was about how mainstream a poetic fever could be, how people approach this way of dealing with life and how can we subject it to express sensitive topics in reality.
It was recorded that a very low percentage of people used poetry as a source of escape but now with an increase in the readership and availability, things are changing. For instance, statistics claim that 67% of Americans have been reading one poem in the last year.
It was concluded from recent research that a maximum number of people have evolved from the art they are subordinated with and that media may or may not influence them from distinguishing their art but considering the arena what we have now and to be on safer space maximum percentage go for self-censorship as well.
Considering immemorial times poetry was a consistent part. It's important because poetry allows one to process emotions. ‘I could refer someone if I'm unable to tell or justify my view, poetry being an indirect way can do the needful and you are giving people more words, more language to tell.’ says Emma Watson. Kaur talked about how media and those direct conversations with the reader affected her life as if there were reassuring feedback, there still were few degrading her work and spreading hatred. In 2014 she published her first poetry collection ‘Milk and Honey’ which genuinely didn't gain the attention of the publishers at first because of which she went for self-publishing. Meanwhile, there was a romantic relationship a spiritual connection to be more precise between her and what she writes and to be certain about the work, she ignores the hate online. Rupi Kaur says, ‘..but the poetry is literally me, so if they are criticizing my work they are criticizing me as well.’ And being bounded by the abusive culture for women she stood up and spoke about how devastating the lineage and the patriarchy is by her poems. ‘...the patriarchy is leaking…’ empowers many.
The books she wrote were mainly about self-love, feminism and misogyny. They teach us a lot about how to evolve as a human, be thankful for what we have and fight for ourselves. Rupi Kaur quoted,’ Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend.’ Being an individual she is still evolving as a person as self-love is consistent and always works in cycles. She breaks some commotions which dealt with feminism and judging females for what they write by their age, being a part of many activist groups she has faced abuse in her childhood and that trauma made her confident about what she is now. Her poems sync with reality so well that many people who face trauma or abuse found an escape in her writings.
Well, a few topics are still considered debatable for discussions like feminism and self-love. Considering the poet self love is something that grows from within and evolves with time, and feminism is not just a sense of feminine being equal but keep rediscovering the real meaning of being feminine. But on other hand, many people believe that feminism is the belief in full social, economic, and political equality for women now this may sound cliche. But if we believe that there are many viewers around and the media has given the power to everyone for stating what they believe then it's partly righteous for them to think and are free to put down the view. Seemingly evolving as a person and self-love might mean the same to some or might be as unrelatable in the second place. Rupi Kaur influenced young minds how important it is to have belief in oneself and move forward keeping your goals firm and always seeking your life as a priority where you can seek everything you have believed in. She herself from her life and what she portrays in her books have strengthened so many individuals about how notorious life could be and how you can be the best part of it.
‘Let the mind, heart rest and awake as the journey is still left untraced.’
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Posted Mar 21, 2024

reviewing interviews by rupi kaur for a review section in a website.







Content Editor

Content Writer

Lasya Gera

Expressive words that captivate

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