
Sriniketh J


AI Application Developer

Software Engineer

Web Developer





When I decided to participate in Work-a-thon, initially nothing struck my mind interesting. So I felt many others would once in a while be in such a situation. Hence, I decided to build my own Hackathon project initiator that provides the initial breakthrough kickstart your project.

What it does

As the title suggests, Hack => Hackathon & Pro => Project & Init => Initializer means it acts as a platform to generate project Ideas, Description, Title. These are the bare minimum requirements for any hackathon project submission including devpost.

How we built it

Cohere (Generate project title, description, comparison)
Twilio Verify (Authentication)
GitHub (Most obvious)
OpenAI (Generate project implementation)
GoDaddy Registry (Domain)
React.js (Frontend)
Node.js (Backend)
Ant Design & Bootstrap (CSS)

Challenges we ran into

While building the backend, get the response in the desired format JSON and truncate unwanted stuff.
After fetching the data from the server and overcoming the CORS error was very hectic and the most time-consuming. I tried all the stuff google, StackOverflow, chatGPT, etc. at last a basic CORS Unblocked chrome extension came to the rescue.
Building a Landing was something important as most of us don't give much attention to it. Hence I spent some time building it and faced lots of issues while building. Finally, thanks to AntD that came to the revival.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

How to query the prompt or interpret the NLP models to get the best possible results possible.
Overcoming the CORS error while fetching the data from the server was like getting a college degree I felt like floating in the air.
Then building a response UI was something cool in a short span of time.
A desperate, responsive landing page to showcase every bit of my Project was a nice thing.

What we learned

First of all, never hack alone since I had a long break with hackathons and thought of working solo but never going to attempt it.
Dealing with CORS and how to break down the errors to get the right solution.

What's next for HackProInit

Integrate Authentication (the code exists)
Work on tech stack thing for project implementation.
Also provide a comparison of projects while choosing the best out of the two.
Like this project

Posted Aug 23, 2023

HackProInit - A one-stop platform to help build your next hackathon project








AI Application Developer

Software Engineer

Web Developer




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