Jhonatan Pereira
: contains the training data, with more than 2,000,000 rows and 9 columns;test.csv
: contains the test data, with 12,480 lines and 9 columns;county
: the county in which the prosumer is located;is_business
: whether the prosumer is commercial or not;product_type
: identification code to map different types of energy contracts;target
: energy consumption or production for that line;is_consumption
: whether the line is energy consumption or production;datetime
: date and time of measurement;data_block_id
: data block identifier;prediction_unit_id
: prediction unit identifier;For each model, it was necessary to apply the make_reduction method from the Sktime library, with the aim of making the model capable of making predictions in time series. Furthermore, it was necessary to pass the parameter window_length=40, to inform the model that the forecast window is 40 records, representing the forecast month.