27 Practical Hints to Help Your Marriage Last for Life

Roy Mars

Graphic Designer

Content Writer

Google Docs

Briefly describe the project you worked on. What did you create, who did you create it for, and how did you approach this project?
Tip: Try to keep this description brief and under 150 words by highlighting the best parts of this project— recruiters don’t spend much time reading detailed descriptions! 💪
This is a post I specifically created for my portfolio. It's an example of a list type article and includes free images from the internet chosen to match the content. It required a lot of research and the final product is supplemented by knowledge I have gained in my own 42+ years of marriage.
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Posted Apr 27, 2023

Some marriages don’t last for a year. Some marriages last for an entire lifetime.






Smart Blogger


Graphic Designer

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Google Docs

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