Chat Room

Hulya Masharipov

Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Firestore

Firebase Authentication



This Chat application is currently active and used by many people on the Internet. 🤩
Chat Room
Chat Room
Chat Application full-stack chat application built with React, Firebase, and RSuite.
Sign in with Facebook and Google
Link your social media accounts and create one account
Upload/edit images to their profile
Cache user avatar images for 3 days
Edit their nickname through the use of reusable and editable input component
Update user nickname concurrently inside firebase storage
Create a new chat room
Like messages
Set online/offline status
See messages
Send new messages
Send files to chat rooms
Send audio files and play audio files
See room information
Role-based permissions, admin can edit room information
Broadcast message to send notifications to other members
Notifications for subscribing or unsubscribing from notifications
Only the admin user of the room can edit the room information and the admin can grant permission to another user
Chats are grouped by dates
Pagination and scroll to the bottom of the page when the user types a new message


React Context API withuseContexthook to get the username for sign-in and registration
Firebase Realtime database to store profiles, rooms, the status of the user(online/offline), and messages
Firebase Authentication with Facebook and Google
Firebase Storage to store profile avatar image, chat images, and audio
useRefhook to access Canvas element for an avatar image
Firebase Cloud Functions to add real-time data and send notifications to the user
FCM cloud functionsSend messages to multiple devices
Service Workerto get a background notification, even if the app is offline, users can get notifications.
Build presence in CLoud Firestore
User avatar made with React avatar editor
react-mic for recording audio from a user's microphone
Link to the project website.
Link to GitHub code.
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Fullstack Engineer

Cloud Firestore

Firebase Authentication



Hulya Masharipov

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