Website Copy | HappyMM.Life

Kelley Rogers



I wrote, edited, configured and published a non-fiction digital content website series engine through WordPress called You Are Always Welcomed Here (2021). HappyMM.Life's web series features 10 self-narrative short stories covering topics including: self-awareness, mental health, sexual intelligence, discernment & many more.
I’m a quirky, generally recluse human with an unique blend of wit and candor. A once horrid communicator who decided perhaps-writing my feelings down could make all the difference… and it did.
Partnerships & Highlights:
Partnered with tech startup app, Lava, as their first Feature of the Week highlighting my short story “Breathe” in audible form.
Collaborated with Midwestern candle company Blue Skye's & Co. on a limited edition Honey Bourbon candles & short story titled Sunsets package selling over 500 units nationwide.
Word count per story: 750- 5000 | Estimate of annual digital reach for direct website views: 100,000 | Estimate of annual social reach and engagement for platforms Instagram, Twitter, TikTok & Facebook: 3Million
VA based book blogger, @WellReadandFed, featured short story Porn Star as top 10 Reading Syllabus in 2021.
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Posted Sep 28, 2023

I wrote, edited, configured and published a non-fiction digital content website series engine through WordPress called YouAre Always Welcomed Here.







Product Copy | Blue Skye's & Co.
Product Copy | Blue Skye's & Co.
Press Release + Social Media Copy
Press Release + Social Media Copy
Creative Writing: Pike Place | HappyMM.Life
Creative Writing: Pike Place | HappyMM.Life
Product Copy | Blue Skye's &Co.
Product Copy | Blue Skye's &Co.