BeTheHero was the project of Omnistack Week by Rocketseat. It aims to link NGOs to possible donators; is a place where NGOs can create cases with how much they need and donators can get in touch by Whatsapp or email.
The original project is found on the tar archive on this repository, however I made my version of this project. First, I wrote in TypeScript because it provides a better understanding of all code, TS code can easily be implemented and refactored.
I also changed from express to koa on the grounds that koa is promise-bases and middleware orientated. However I got so many bugs with firebase functions, which only accepts express apps, so I rewrote with express to make funtion deploy. I also tried to reproduce this repository: koa & firebase but no success.
My choice for database was MongoDB and I chose Typegoose in order to work better with my DB models and properties types.