How to Beat Fatigue

Brenda Grate


Blog Writer


Do you feel like you are always tired? If so, you’re not alone. This is one of the main complaints I hear when I set up a consultation with someone. They want to know how to increase their energy. I remember always being tired and feeling like the most minor task required more energy than I had gas in the tank. So why is everyone so exhausted?
There are many causes of low energy. When I researched this topic, I was shocked at how many people were seeking help to combat fatigue. Just a little research showed that this is a huge problem. So, what are the reasons?
Everyone’s body is different, so your reasons for fatigue could be completely different from someone else, but here are some of the leading causes:
Thyroid Issues – An improperly functioning thyroid can wipe out your energy levels. Here are some symptoms of thyroid issues (keep in mind these are for both hyper and hypo, too much or too little thyroid hormone):
Adrenal Fatigue
Nutritional Deficiencies: You might lack iron, vitamins, magnesium, or one of many other essential vitamins or minerals your body needs to function correctly.
Blood sugar imbalance
Some of these things feed into other issues, such as blood sugar imbalance, which can lead to Type-2 Diabetes, and Thyroid issues, which can be related to Adrenal fatigue. The human body is a perfectly balanced system with many parts working together for optimal health. Unfortunately, one part going out of balance has a ripple effect on the rest of the body. You can treat the symptoms, such as consuming caffeine, to keep going, but this is only a temporary solution. The root cause must be addressed to bring the rest of the body back into balance.
Sometimes, the reason for fatigue isn’t physical but mental or emotional. Maybe you’re under a lot of stress at work, or your relationship is under strain. You might be struggling with something and feel you don’t have anyone to talk to. We all have struggles that can significantly affect our energy levels. The key is to stop and take some time to assess. We are often so busy that we don’t stop and pay attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us. The price might be high if we ignore it for too long.
If you’re struggling to get through the day on ever-depleting energy levels, now is the time to assess the problem and take steps to fix it. If there’s a nutritional deficiency, add some organic leafy greens or do a short juice fast. Juicing can be a great way to get a lot of nutrients into the body quickly. See the recipe below for a delicious, nutritional juice. You can use the same recipe for a smoothie if you don’t want to juice or don’t own a juicer.
If you want help figuring out the cause of your fatigue, I’m offering 50% off first-time consultations this month or a free consultation for signing up for my newsletter. As a health coach, I am also trained in mental health issues, so if you need to talk, I’m happy to listen. Please take advantage of this opportunity to partner with me to address your health concerns and learn how to get rid of your fatigue for good!

Nutritional Green Juice

(all produce should be organic and well-washed)
Large handful of leafy greens (spinach or kale) 1 whole lemon or lime 1/2 inch piece of ginger 1 cucumber or 1/2 long English small piece of fresh turmeric 2 green apples, quartered 4 stalks celery
Chop everything into small enough pieces to fit into the mouth of the juicer. Run everything through (a macerating juicer is the best for retaining nutrients, but a centrifugal one will work just as well) and drink immediately. You don’t have to drink it in a rush but remember that oxidation will cause the nutrients to dissipate, so make the juice when you intend to drink it.
This recipe originally came from Joe Cross. I added turmeric for inflammation. I’ve been using this recipe for many years and usually do at least one juice fast in the spring and sometimes the fall. I had someone come to me with bruises all over from malnutrition. I put them on a juice fast for a week, and within days, the bruises were gone, and they lost a lot of inflammation. Juicing works; it’s just not a healthy diet for the long term because our bodies need fiber. I often put people on a juice diet for a short term to address nutritional deficiencies.
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Posted Sep 19, 2024

Do you feel like you are always tired? If so, you're not alone. This is one of the main complaints I hear when I set up a consultation with someone. They want …






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