Let cheap shine — how to highlight the benefits of budget-friendly products
«ZOÉ» Hero image
Photography is a powerful tool to showcase products in the most compelling way possible. With the right lighting, angle, and composition, even the most basic product can be transformed into something remarkable.
«ZOÉ» Hero image
When it comes to beauty products, there are so many options available in the market. It can be tough for consumers to make a choice, especially when there are several brands competing for attention.
«ZOÉ» campaign image
Through the use of visual elements such as typography, color, and imagery, graphic design can create a brand identity and personality that distinguishes the product from its competitors, making it more memorable and recognizable to consumers.
«ZOÉ» campaign image
«ZOÉ» campaign image
The Spark ✨
The photography project "Zoe" was a successful and satisfying experience for both myself and the client. It was an honor to be approached for this project due to my previous work in the field of photography. Thanks to my passion and expertise, the project proved to be a short and efficient one. The client found my work to be of high-quality and deemed me an appropriate choice for this project. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and found it to be an invigorating experience.
The Stats 💯
Timeline: After a short meeting it took me 2 days to complete the project. Budget: 500$ Deliverables: Retouched high quality pictures and ads in different formats
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Let cheap shine — how to highlight the benefits of budget-friendly products