Call to action Rive Buttons!

Mohamad Turk

UX Designer
Motion Designer
Affinity Designer

Another Passion Project:

I finished up my task for iflows, then looked at it a last time, and told my self, this could look and feel super cool and modern. I came up to the CEO and asked her, can I you give me more time on it, it would look super awesome, and got the green light. I gave it all i got, I worked on polishing and adding new graphics and tricks to the buttons so that it feels more immersive and fun. I worked on it as if it was my own, with the help of iflows' versatility in time, and amazing and smart team we made the great. To me these two buttons are the awesomest buttons I've done, I really love them, and almost everyday come and visit them just for fun. Working on this project really made me realize how important is working on something that when working on something you love, and with awesome people, you'd achieve greatness.

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