Violin Scammers Sighted in Grand Junction

Rolland Judd



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Microsoft Office 365

Recent years have seen a wave of individuals nationwide being accused of a unique hoax. These individuals allegedly pretend to play the violin while a violin soundtrack plays in the background, asking for tips as they perform this act. Some residents in Grand Junction are curious whether or not the phenomenon has reached city limits.
According to community members on the social media app Nextdoor, individuals performing this act have been spotted in Denver recently. Some wondered if these impostors had been spotted locally. There was also a debate about whether or not what they were doing should be considered a scam.
Residents reported observing people performing this act at the Safeway on Horizon Drive recently, and more community members confirmed their growing presence in Denver. Many expressed concern that these charlatans had embedded themselves in the Grand Valley.
Some residents commented that they find the sham abhorrent, saying that kind of behavior is worse than simple panhandling because of the dishonesty involved. They commented that the lying and intent to deceive made the act predatory.
Others think the tricksters are quite obviously imitating playing the violin while a recorded track plays as a form of performance art. These residents proposed that these charlatans should be viewed as any other panhandler. They voiced that media personalities regularly use electronic assistance and aren’t given the same scrutiny these violin performers receive.
What do you think? Are these people scammers or simply performance artists? Would you contribute to their tip jar?
Let us know in the comments below.
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Posted Jan 16, 2024

This was a breaking news story in Grand Junction about a niche, interesting subject.







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