Seriously Smooth Tips To Get Rid of Razor Rash, Bumps or Burn

Stasja Clerckx

Content Writer

Razor burn, or a shaving rash on your legs, is the uninvited guest that loves to crash a party. Your party, that is. It will pop up moments before you climb into your Uber and won’t budge anytime soon. Yes, life can be complicated but thanks to these ahem brilliant tips, shaving your legs rash-free no longer has to be.
Like lightning, razor rash strikes when you least expect it. Not a single soul, apart from our grandmothers of course, can see it coming. And irritation sticks around for what feels like an eternity. As if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s also an army of tiny bumps that itch like crazy. Not very cute, or comfortable. But luckily, we’re sharing some of our finest tips and products that'll protect you from shaving rash on your legs indefinitely. Cha-ching!

Better be safe & smooth than sorry

Here’s a quick 101. Razor burn on your legs, with a little help from a friend (that’s us), could soon be ancient history. By following these steps, you can tiptoe around with bump-free and silky smooth skin. Break up with these 6 bad habits if you want to avoid a shaving rash on your legs:
Dry shaving - add a squishy layer (hello Estrid shaving cream) of protection between your skin and the blade
Under pressure - pressing too hard causes friction and skin sensitivity
Using rusty razors - repeat after me: when it’s dull, it cuts and irritates
A slippery slope - here’s a friendly reminder that shaving cream, gel, lotion, or oil are always a good idea
Shaving against the grain - smooth things will happen to those who shave the right way (with your hair growth)
Ignoring thirsty skin - don’t forget to top up your moisturiser after every shave
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Posted Mar 6, 2022







Content Writer

Stasja Clerckx

Creative Copywriter for Climate-conscious Brands

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