Creating Ambev’s innovation strategy for a cohesive portfolio

Giselle Jensen


User Researcher

Product Strategist

We decoded aspects that generate a perception of high quality in the beer category and designed an innovation strategy that balances Ambev's portfolio to ensure a successful future.
Project made working at Questtonó alongside the Research and Strategy team. As I started my journey at Questtonó after the beginning of the project, my role was to co-facilitate the ideation workshops and replicate the same logic applied to beer to beyond beer products.
Final Product
Final Product

Context: How to define an innovation pipeline for the biggest beverage company in Brazil ensuring the perception of quality from the consumer

The 'Routes of the Future' project aimed to assist Ambev in defining innovation strategies for its main beer brands, and afterwards all its beyond beer brands, in order to ensure a perception of high quality in the future by consumers and stakeholders, considering the complexity of the Brazilian market.
It is not always clear what aspects represent quality to the consumer at present, and even less so how this will be in the future. Therefore, through behavioral research, trend analysis, semiotic analysis, and market benchmarking, we decoded the main codes that contribute to the perception of quality in the beer market. From this, we defined strategic routes that help the company pave this path, today and in the future.
Final product

The Process: How to break down the informational silos in a big company

In a collaborative effort, together with Ambev's multidisciplinary teams, we designed frameworks to position the brands within a new perspective of innovation, which considers the functional and emotional attributes of the product, but also expands to organizational best practices and experiences involving communication, packaging, sales points, and consumption in an integrated manner.
These frameworks were used in several collaborative workshops facilitated by Questtonó to ensure that different teams within Ambev were working together to define a cohesive strategy for it's portfolio's future.
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Final prodcut

The solution: A long term method and framework for quality innovation

We delivered a Playbook with clear guidelines on how the organization can develop a quality-oriented innovation strategy for the future. Through this playbook, we are also supporting various company brands in conducting workshops to prototype and design innovation bets for the short, medium, and long term.
The project has a significant impact on how these brands organize their launch planning and structure their positioning from now on, as well as on how the innovation and insights teams develop their internal processes oriented towards innovation, taking into account a systemic and strategic vision.
Final Product
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Posted May 3, 2024

We decoded aspects that generate a perception of high quality in the beer category and designed an innovation strategy for the future.








User Researcher

Product Strategist

Giselle Jensen

Innovation and strategy for a better future.

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