If you like to stay in charge of the important decisions that drive the
success of your business, Your Website/ Online store is probably at the top of
your do-it-yourself (DIY) list. Whatever the case, we’re here to help you
explore a few of the most utilized platforms for creating an online presence
and decide which works best for you. Options such as WordPress, Shopify,
Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, WebFlow, and BigCommerce. Having your
very own web store/ presence is a great `` platform
for keeping Growth in check even through the
highs and lows of a perilous pandemic. With all the available options, it's
important to choose one that will give you the right amount of freedom to
deliver a great customer service experience while keeping your data Safe and
accessible to you over the long term. To demonstrate how it all works, let’s walk
you through the highlights of each platform and its offerings.