Bach Palace — UX/UI Dashboard

Sofia Bakhtiiarova

Mobile Designer
Web Designer
UX Designer

👀 Overview

This case study focuses on a UX/UI dashboard flow for BachPlace, a marketplace and planning tool for bachelorette planners.

The project's goal

was to create a dashboard flow that enhances the user experience of BachPlace's planning tool and drives engagement and retention. The case study documents the design process, including research, ideation, prototyping, and testing, as well as the results of the proof of concept.


I skipped the UX phase in this project as I got the wireframes ready from the client and went straight to the UI design. I worked closely with the BachPlace team to understand the needs and pain points of bachelorette planners, and used that insight to inform the design of the dashboard flow.

⭐️ Result

Overall, this case study showcases the importance of user-centered design and the power of Figma as a tool for creating high-quality UX/UI designs. By prioritizing collaboration, sophisticated design, and quality product, the I were able to create a dashboard flow that met the needs of bachelorette planners and contributed to the success of BachPlace's planning tool.

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