How friendships teach you about life

Tehrim Siddiqa


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Every minute, every second, life teaches you. We do complain every time. but never embrace what we have. Oh, this petty human tendency to find fault in everything. We change, but it is not necessary that every change is a good change in us. Our behaviour can hurt others sometimes. People find it cool to be rude to others; they call it sarcasm.
Friends and their added facade in our lives is what we remember while sitting in a room alone with the photographs of them and us. There are basically three types: pinned, spammed, and archived.
The archived are the ones who are there for you, but sometimes visible and sometimes invisible. When we catch up, we talk for hours, discussing every bit of our not-so-good life story. The ones who give you advice may not meet or talk daily, but friendship remains fresh.
The dangerous ones are spam. The "you didn't remember me" and "you have totally forgotten me" types of people who never even bothered to ask the same question once. They are the kindest in front of you and speak behind your back. They are not true to anyone. And it's better to take a precaution, that is, to stay away from them.
I experienced everyone's zone of friendship. But the worst can happen when a pinned one turns into spam. I felt the agony of detachment as I watched the transition of a person from my best friend to my boyfriend and then to a stranger. But that's the thing about pain; it demands to be felt.
We change ourselves based on the previous happenings in our life. Whether it's our fault or not, we just don't want to experience the same. But do we really need to do that? Bonds, company, and friendships can't be precluded for longer. The person who wants to leave will leave anyway. Yes, we can't digest the change we see in others. We wonder if it was my behaviour that made that person change. But every person has their own pace of learning and letting things go.
However, who we choose as a close one is entirely up to us. The art of knowing a person is rare in people. and am in the process of learning this skill. Even after betrayals and deception, I still have faith in people. Don't corner yourself. Don't fear facing the pain. Trust me, if you are maintaining a broken friendship and keeping the bond alive, then you are brave, not an emotional bug.
- by Tehrim Siddiqa
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Posted Oct 1, 2023

A blog that speaks about healthy and unhealthy friendships. Friendships and its different equations according to the people is written to guide youngsters.






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