Staying married for life is more than an admonition to newlyweds, it is to everyone. It is a challenge to see a basic but transcendent reason to stick to relationships beyond the initial selfish desire that was unconsciously nurtured when getting into it. Beyond the necessary but unimportant ‘spec list or checklist.’ According to the image above, newlyweds (or any group of people who form a defined relationship) experience a dopamine hit of happiness when they jump the traditional broom. There is so much excitement and thus increased energy because the main reason why people want a partner is for the romance, and some specifics like material benefits, show off, the potential they see in the person, and so on. While most of these may not be wrong reasons, they are first selfish. And because it is born out of selfish desires, the depth of commitment is shallow. We have used all the vigour needed to stay through tougher times to satisfy gratification.