Interview with Michèle Lamy and Charles-Antoine Bodson

Maya Kotomori

Copy Editor
"Solipsism is defined philosophically as the concept that only the self can be known as real. It’s only logical, especially given the increasingly individualistic society that we live in. Michèle Lamy—one of the few modern-day cultural figures deserving of the title multihyphenate—represents solipsism’s opposite, favoring the idea of a thriving, united, capital-W World in which all citizens are connected through art.
This people-first notion is tantamount to understanding Lamyland—a collective named after the highly-esteemed creative, but centering a slew of global artistic communities. Lamyland has long been interested in the culture surrounding skateboarding, producing Turning Tricks last year, an art show about the birth of the craft co-curated with pro skater Danny Minnick. The organization also launched What Are We Skating For? that spring, a group show by the Skateroom—a company founded by enthusiast and collector Charles-Antoine Bodson, focused on “leveraging the transformative power of art and skateboarding to facilitate and support social impact initiatives in at-risk communities around the world.”
For her second collaboration with the Skateroom, Lamy dropped an exclusive collection of decks featuring photos taken of her by Juergen Teller at ComplexCon. Building on Lamyland’s recently ramped-up (pun intended) skate enterprises, Document touches base with Charles-Antoine Bodson and the woman herself, discussing skateboarding’s history as a revolutionary act."
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