7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Pregnancy

Becki C


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Google Drive

The following article was sent out to expectant mums-to-be as part of a subscription newsletter to my clients pregnancy website.

7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety in Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and exciting time, as you get closer to meeting your baby. However, for many expectant mums, it can also be a time of high anxiety.
Anxiety During Pregnancy
It is natural to feel some form of worry during pregnancy however if you notice you are having unpleasant feelings more often than normal this could be anxiety. It can sometimes be difficult to notice anxious feelings but here are some symptoms to look out for:
Disturbed sleep or irregular sleeping patterns
Feeling more tired than usual
Worrying excessively or not being able to stop worrying
Feelings of dread or feeling on edge
Loss of concentration
Feeling more irritable
Anxiety can also increase your heart rate and in some cases lead to panic attacks, which can leave you feeling dizzy, and out of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms it is important to talk to your health care provider to rule out any other potential health issues.
Experiencing anxiety, especially during pregnancy, is an unpleasant sensation, and can often be dismissed as a normal part of pregnancy. However you do not have to struggle with these feelings, and there are ways you can naturally reduce your anxiety.
Ways To Reduce Anxiety During Pregnancy
Here are 7 methods to help you reduce anxiety during pregnancy and help put your mind at ease.
Talk about your pregnancy -It is normal to feel some anxiety during pregnancy, however, if you are noticing these feelings talking to your partner, family member, or friend can really help alleviate some of your anxiety. - Look out for local mums groups in your area, many are happy for expectant mothers to join, and can be a great way to connect with other mums-to-be and gain support. - Talk to your doctor or maternity midwife if you feel that your feelings of anxiety are becoming overwhelming, they will be best placed to offer you the support you need.
Exercise - Unless you have been advised against it, exercise is a proven way to help reduce stress and improve your mental health. Taking a short walk can help ease some of the symptoms of anxiety, and naturally boost your serotonin. - Yoga is another exercise that is pregnancy-friendly, as it incorporates mindful breathing and light movements. - Always check with your doctor that it is safe for you to exercise during pregnancy.
Self-care. - It is essential to take care of yourself during pregnancy, especially as you get closer to the birth. Make sure you take time for yourself during the day. This could include going to your favorite cafe, reading a book, or getting your hair done. Taking time out, to take care of yourself is good for your well-being and will help to lower your stress hormones
Practice mindfulness. - Taking ten minutes out of your day to practice mindfulness can have a positive impact on reducing anxiety. You can practice mindfulness by focusing on your breathing, following a meditation guide or simply taking a moment to notice the sounds and objects around you.
Prepare baby items. - Expectant mothers can often feel that they are not prepared for the arrival of their baby and this can cause anxiety. Help ease these feelings by doing small tasks to prepare for your baby. - This could include washing their baby clothes or packing their hospital bag. You will be able to relax knowing you have made small steps towards being ready to welcome your new baby home.
Rest up. - Make sure you are getting enough sleep at night as lack of sleep can have a big effect on your mental health. As you progress through your pregnancy you might find it hard to feel comfortable during the night. - Taking extra time before bed to create a calm sleeping environment and investing in a support pillow can make a big difference in getting enough rest.
Buy a pregnancy book. - Pregnancy can be a daunting time coping with all the changes your body goes through while carrying your baby. It is tempting to turn to google to look up your symptoms. However, the information on the internet can be overly negative, inaccurate, and can leave you feeling falsely alarmed. - Buying a reputable pregnancy book can help you prepare for common pregnancy symptoms, and will help you understand each stage of your pregnancy and how your baby is developing.
The above suggestions are for guidance only. If you have any concerns about the health of yourself or your baby please seek appropriate medical advice from your doctor or midwife.
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Posted Jun 14, 2022

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and exciting time, as you get closer to meeting your baby. However, for many expectant mums, it can also be a time of high anxiety.






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