Travel: Las Vegas

Becki C

Blog Writer

Content Writer


Google Drive

I collaborated with the travel website, Any Travel Tips, to write engaging website content on the subject of tourism in Las Vegas. Working with the client's goals and requirements, I created six engaging website articles about traveling to Las Vegas during the months of June to November.

The Spark ✨

The client required specific website content regarding the weather conditions, travel tips, and tourist attractions within Las Vegas.
As I have experience traveling to Las Vegas and experience writing travel content I was offered to work with the client on this project, to produce high-quality, SEO content for their travel website.
I conducted extensive research regarding weather conditions, opinions, and advice from locals and researched how the Las Vegas experience changes month to month. Using my research I was able to create well-written travel content.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 1 month? Deliverables: List some deliverables that the independent gave. • Create high-quality SEO web content • High level of research on the given topic • Provide content that is informative and creates a connection with the audience

Outstanding travel article from Becki for my established travel blog. Excellent writing, great detail, and 100% as requested! 🚀

Michael Owner of website
Like this project

Posted May 24, 2022

November is a great time to see Las Vegas in the fall. The temperatures are cooler and the atmosphere is very seasonal, with many hotels decorating lobbies in p






Blog Writer

Content Writer


Google Drive

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