
Vignesh Sudhakar

Fullstack Engineer
Software Architect
Web Developer
Firebase Authentication
Nithya Karma's Avani Avittam audio offering gives you the same experience as having a Vadhyar giving us instructions sitting right beside us.
Seamlessly delivered audio to 800 users simultaneously based on their given inputs such as their ancestral details to perform the rituals.
Categorization of the audio files to be fetched for users.
Admin dashboard to manage users, audio files and notifications.
Ability to purchase required materials for the rituals online including delivery.
Ability to track their package.
Payment gateway using razorpay.
Email notifications (Otp, invoice, delivery confirmation, reminders etc) using Sendinblue.
Authentication using Google Firebase Authentication
Deployed Backend in AWS Linux EC2 instance using Nginx and Gunicorn.
Message queuing system using AWS SQS & Celery.


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