Revolutionizing Telecommunication Planning with GIS Data

Jared Faulk

Project Manager
Software Architect
Software Engineer

APJ-NE (Integrating GIS Into AP-Jibe)

At First Principles Innovations (FPI), I spearheaded a project to include GIS data into their professional software toolset, AP-Jibe. Their toolset helped large telecommunication operators, such as Charter Communication, their client, automate and simplify the design and planning of their cable and fiber access networks. Previously, before my working with First Principles Innovations, there was no GIS capabilities, and the idea of planning a fiber network in minutes, was but a dream. Working with FPI I created a software system that could locate how many households were available in any given area, how much cable would need to be installed to service that area, which ultimately produced a cost for servicing a new area. This exercise usually takes large companies like Charter months to do-- with my automation, this exercise was automated to minutes.
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