Chantelle - Global eComemrce

Adrien Gonin


Web Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer

Adobe Photoshop


Chantelle is an iconic lingerie brand with a long history of innovation. Their ecommerce presence is managed by the digital lab division, which is responsible for the various websites across all their brands and countries.
My collaboration with Chantelle started at a time of transition: a large technological shift was ongoing, and their product team was ongoing a restructuring. I helped handle the tension during the transition, and focused on keeping the design deliveries flowing to keep the projects moving. Once the team became more structured, my role shifted to provide support and high-level design work.

Landing Pages

Role & collaborators: sole designer on the task, with validation from head of image and ecommerce stakeholders.
Process: Gather requirements from business stakeholders, and collaborate with Chantelle’s head of brand.
Impact: Significant evolution of KPIs for landing pages evolutions, and successful digital launch for new lines of product.I’m grateful that I was able to work on such broad ecommerce challenges. Each one of them required specific workflows to provide the right value at the right speed.

Core Flows

Role & collaborators: Improve core elements of the customer experience, working closely with product managers and head of design.
Process: Gather requirements from business stakeholders, work with UX research and analytics to improve key points of the flows


Modern digital teams are often spread across multiple specialities and areas of focus. Design is in a unique place to help everyone have a global view of the flows and system in place.

Collaboration: the hidden value of a designer

I want to highlight a key role of the designer that isn’t often talked about: being a support for collaboration.
During my time here, Chantelle was doing a major migration from one technology provider to another. This impacted significantly the checkout, and our technical options weren’t clear.
By providing multiple options tailored to various technical constrains, I bridged the gap between business and tech. Having a visual prototype you can quickly iterate on or simply discard allows for a radically faster and easier exploration phase.
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Posted Mar 10, 2024

Chantelle is an iconic lingerie brand with a long history of innovation. I helped them across the whole range of design needs: landing pages, UX and systems








Web Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer

Adobe Photoshop


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