Tizana - Food Scanning App

Alaa Jerbi

UI Designer
React Native Developer
React Native
Tizana is a food scanning mobile app that allows users to scan food products,get their nutritional values, and compare them to other products in the same category.


People are becoming more health conscious than ever before. With the abundance of food products in the market each claiming to be the healthiest alternative your money can buy, it has become a challenge to find quality products that live up to the claim.
Going through each product and jotting down their nutritional tables and information is not an easy nor a fun task, and not everyone has the time of the day for it. Besides, comparing the tables to find the right product is a living hell to say the least.
With Tizana, we’ve decided to spare you the time and effort. All you have to do is scan a food product with the barcode and you get its nutritional values right away! Not only that, but the app looks for other alternatives in the same food category and brings you better suggestions based on their Nutri-score.


React Native
React Context (for state management)
Expo SDK
Google 0Auth API
Gitlab (VSC, CI/CD pipelines)
InVision Studio


Tizana - Welcome Screen
Tizana - Welcome Screen
Tizana - History Screen
Tizana - History Screen
Tizana - Nutrients Detail Screen
Tizana - Nutrients Detail Screen
Tizana - Product Barcode Scanner
Tizana - Product Barcode Scanner
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