kinetic typography

Miguel Escuderos


Graphic Designer

Motion Designer

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro

A daily series that consisted of animating whatever came to my mind using as much typography as possible. Playing with keyframes, times and rythms, I, not only learnt a lot about workflows in After Effects, but also discovered a pretty solid comfort zone with playful designs and tons of posibilities.
Although this series didn's last as long as I wanted due to the start of other professional proyects, I could keep it running for exactly 67 days . Want to see more? Have a look at some of the best posts from this series in my instagram account!

The process

Have a look at some of the process behind most of my animations, from plug-ins used, to keyframe and shape work.
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Posted Sep 14, 2023

A daily series that consisted of creating an animation of whatever came to my mind using as much typography as possible.






Graphic Designer

Motion Designer

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro

Miguel Escuderos

Creating stunning visuals with a personal touch

Eclipse — Dogsa X Tecca 2nd Album
Eclipse — Dogsa X Tecca 2nd Album
good design poster series
good design poster series