Get AI Integration

Vlad Drinceanu


Fullstack Engineer

AI Application Developer

AI Copywriter




Get AI Integration offers tailored AI solutions to small and medium-sized businesses looking to leverage artificial intelligence to enhance their operations and secure a competitive advantage.

01. The Brief

Get AI Integration offers tailored AI solutions to small and medium-sized businesses looking to leverage artificial intelligence to enhance their operations and secure a competitive advantage. The service provides a custom AI integration that transforms existing software systems, making them smarter and more efficient.

02. The Approach

I wanted to develop a user-centric web application that could demystify AI for business owners and help them understand the potential benefits for their specific operations. The challenge was to create an intuitive and engaging platform that could convey complex AI capabilities in an accessible way.
Key features I implemented include:
AI Integration Form: Developed an interactive form where users answer questions about their business to get tailored suggestions on how AI can be integrated into their operations.
Landing Page: Crafted a compelling landing page that outlines the services and benefits of AI, encouraging users to explore AI integrations.

03. The Tech

Front-end Development: Implemented a simple yet effective user interface using contemporary web technologies, aimed at ease of use and clear navigation.
API Development: Built a secure and responsive API to process inputs from the AI integration form and return personalized insights.
OpenAI Integration: Integrated OpenAI technology to analyze user data and provide intelligent recommendations tailored to each business's specific needs.

04. Conclusion

The "Get AI Integration" project was a focused initiative designed to translate the complex capabilities of AI into practical solutions for SMBs. My role involved crafting key interactive and backend components that support user discovery and engagement with AI technologies. This project reinforced my skills in creating functional and user-friendly web applications that address specific business challenges.
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Posted Nov 1, 2024

The "Get AI Integration" project was a focused initiative designed to translate the complex capabilities of AI into practical solutions for SMBs.






Personal Project


Fullstack Engineer

AI Application Developer

AI Copywriter




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