Flowfeed - Real Trails. Real Conditions. Real Time.
Noah McGraw
Project Manager
Fullstack Engineer
Flowfeed brings to market a new and proprietary weather and material algorithm to help users better understand when trail conditions are best suited for riding, or when there may be hazards on the trail.
The Project
I was contracted as Lead Software Engineer to help implement a new and exciting startup idea in the mountain biking industry. The team at Flowfeed approached me and my long-time partners at UniSyn Technologies with the vision to build an algorithm and app that could predict the ride quality and fitness of a trail using ML and predictive weather systems.
I, along with my colleagues, carefully hand-selected a stack to match the needs of our client while still staying lean and green. We elected to use Typescript & React for UI/UX due to React’s quick internal DOM and intuitive component design, along with Typescript’s assurance for secured and opinionated standards. Partnered with TailwindCSS, our goal was to build a UX for rugged outdoorsmen & women, prioritizing utility and good form.
For the business logic, originally, the API was developed in PHP and relied on Lambda functions for microservice actions. However, when it became clear that our response times and availability were lacking, we invested in adopting the AWS Serverless Framework to move our business logic completely into a Cloud-Native environment. This upgrade yielded a 10X return on response times for high-yield requests along with a reduction in downtime from 3% to 0.1%. This also had the added side effect of providing better integration opportunities with our pre-existing Lambda microservices and granted us a new tool in our toolbelt for future CI/CD pipelines.
Today, Flowfeed stands tall as a prospective startup looking into the future. They have multiple local and national sponsors and a promising roadmap ahead of them. Overall, our involvement in their project generated a 500% increase in commercial interest in their brand, along with a multi-fold increase in accessibility and utility.