Built an e-commerce website for a handcrafted product business

Chloesha Shepperd

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
UX Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Chloesha started creating hand-cast concrete pots and painting them in her spare time to de-stress after her 9-5 Digital Designer job. It quickly evolved into an Etsy store, and next built the e-commerce website herself, utilizing her digital design skills.

The main concept was to keep things light and airy whilst being bold with typeface and pops of brand colours throughout the site. Transitions and animations were kept minimal so they didn't distract from the content.

Landing page - splashes of brand colours, clear heading of what they sell and a spotlight of the product range on offer

Synced up Instagram to show recent activity and content plus a clear Call To Action to follow their social media

Final Website Design...

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