CTE Work Samples: Work Sample Summary #2

Isabel Dong

Project Manager
Work Sample Title: Cultural Differences in Business Project
Date of Project/Activity: September 19, 2022
Skills Demonstrated: communication, research, teamwork
Standard(s) for Career Ready Practice (SCRP): apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge, apply technology to enhance productivity, communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason
Summary of the activity: The Cultural Differences in Business Project was an activity that took place over a week. My team and I selected a country, Japan, and researched various aspects related to the country’s background and business practices. We then determined various design aspects of our presentation before creating the slideshow. The activity concluded with a class presentation about our commercial.
Execution of the activity: The activity began by creating groups and selecting a country. My group selected Japan. We then applied academic knowledge while researching the country’s background, business practices, and Hofstede’s Dimensions, and review questions that we planned to implement in the presentation. After our initial research, we applied technology through Google Slides to create a slideshow presentation detailing our earlier brainstorming. Finally, we used communication skills to describe our findings to our class in a formal presentation.
Evaluation of the activity: Collaboration within my group went well. However, I have learned the importance of time management and workload distribution.
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