UX Design | Responsive Website & Mobile App - Persian Leopard C…

Shaghayegh Safarzadeh

UX Designer
Product Designer
UX Researcher
Adobe Suite
The Product: P.L.C. [Persian Leopard Conservation] is a non-profit organization that saves endangered Persian Leopards. The organization needs a tool that helps people learn about the importance of protecting the Persian leopards and their Habitats. P.L.C.'s primary target users include local people, local students, and adults concerned about the wildlife, especially Persian Leopards, and would like to learn more about what they can do to protect them.
The Problem: The Persian Leopards are one of the most endangered feline subspecies. The population living in the wild is about 870 to 1.290 individuals. Researchers at the P.L.C. identified the lack of general knowledge and understanding about the negative human impact on wildlife.
The Goal: Design an app and a responsive website that will improve education on saving endangered Persian Leopards and their habitats by bringing awareness and inviting people to be more engaged and involved.
My Role: I led and designed the app and responsive website flow from conception to delivery.
My Responsibilities: I conducted interviews, paper and digital wireframing, and low and high-fidelity prototyping. I also conducted usability studies, accounted for accessibility, and iterated on designs and responsive web designs.
Link to the project where I demonstrated all the steps to deliver a responsive website and a companion mobile app.


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