The same week that the new emails I had written for the clinic were implemented, the office manager announced with unbridled joy that their conversion ratios had more than tripled! The only “problem” was that they were now having trouble keeping up with the increase in appointments (a “high-class” problem, as a former boss of mine liked to say).
From the links that follow, you can see a sample
AFTER version of the first email in one of the series. Each of these has explanatory comments in the margins. (You should be able to easily increase the size of the PDF in either case, to make it easier to read, if you wish.)
If you read through the comments in the AFTER version, you’ll get a sampling of the extensive theory that underlies every small part of an effective email such as this. It’s a lot like the duck you see that appears to be gliding effortlessly along the surface of the water, as if being pulled along by the wind and current, when in actuality there’s a tremendous amount of paddling going on below.
It takes a high level of intelligence and a sophisticated skill set to be a surgeon. That’s testimony to the fact that a high level of intelligence and a sophisticated skill set in one professional arena does not necessarily translate into mastery of communication, written or otherwise. To skyrocket his conversion ratio, the Ivy League surgeon needed my skills in an entirely different domain, that of MarCom (marketing communication).