When you want THE POWER OF PERSUASION on your side

Irresistible “White Paper” Takes Startup to the Next Level
Irresistible “White Paper” Takes Startup to the Next Level

An irresistible “white paper” I created for an innovative startup in the photography space was downloaded like hotcakes, causing product sales to skyrocket.

White Papers
Marketing Strategist
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Microsoft Word

Fundraising Speech for Stanford Prof Lands Millions in Donations
Fundraising Speech for Stanford Prof Lands Millions in Donations

Tasked with helping a Stanford engineering professor to fundraise in Asia for the university, I wrote speeches that brought in millions of dollars in donations.

Speech Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Email Campaign Triples Medical Clinic Revenue Almost Overnight
Email Campaign Triples Medical Clinic Revenue Almost Overnight

After I “operated” on a cosmetic surgeon’s lackluster email drip campaign, the conversion ratio immediately soared, tripling clinic revenue virtually overnight!

Email Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Sales-Driven Marketing
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Power Resume Snags Career Transitioner Dream Job in Just 2 Days
Power Resume Snags Career Transitioner Dream Job in Just 2 Days

I developed a turbo-charged resume for a professional athlete transitioning to a career in interior design that helped her land her dream job in just two days.

Letter Writing
Career Counsellor
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Top-Notch Creative Sets New Record for Real Estate Brokerage
Top-Notch Creative Sets New Record for Real Estate Brokerage

In this situation, I brought my creative powers to bear on behalf of a struggling real estate brokerage, with an innovative and successful direct mail campaign.

Brand Strategist
Marketing Strategist
Creative Design
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop

Trade Magazine Article Pulls In Leads, Puts New Firm on the Map
Trade Magazine Article Pulls In Leads, Puts New Firm on the Map

In this scenario, I leveraged my training and experience as a journalist, to creatively help a new business take off by getting it invaluable free publicity.

Marketing Strategist
Google Drive
Microsoft Word

Political Consulting & Collateral Wins Long-Shot Election
Political Consulting & Collateral Wins Long-Shot Election

Serving as a one-person political advisor and campaign collateral author/designer, I enabled a long-shot, "underdog" candidate to win a local election.

Copy Strategist
Google Drive
Microsoft Word

Creative Cross-Border Research Solves a 100-Year-Old Mystery
Creative Cross-Border Research Solves a 100-Year-Old Mystery

A unique combination of research skills was applied to figure out why a Lithuanian dictator effectively banned a book written by my grandfather a century ago.

Google Scholar
Microsoft Word

“Magic” Appeal Letter Wins Life-Changing Pardon from Governor
“Magic” Appeal Letter Wins Life-Changing Pardon from Governor

A young man’s criminal record, the result of poor legal representation, was blocking him from his career goal. I wrote a letter that cleared his conviction.

Letter Writing
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Compelling Petition to USCIS Enables Lovers to Re-Unite & Marry
Compelling Petition to USCIS Enables Lovers to Re-Unite & Marry

Two young lovers had a lot riding on a “fiancé visa” application. My revision of the response to a critical part of the petition helped love triumph in the end.

Google Docs
Microsoft Word

New Essays Get Previously Rejected Med School Applicant Accepted
New Essays Get Previously Rejected Med School Applicant Accepted

I assisted a previously rejected applicant to medical school rewrite his essays, resulting in acceptance the second time around, fulfilling his long-held dream.

Career Counsellor
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Stellar Statements Secure Admission to Harvard Graduate Program
Stellar Statements Secure Admission to Harvard Graduate Program

I helped an applicant to one of Harvard’s hyper-competitive programs rewrite her application essays, turning straw into gold and winning admission as a result.

Google Docs
Microsoft Word