
Ajay K

ML Engineer
AI Model Developer
AI Developer
Google Gemini


Fine tuning Domain Specific dataset (Personal Dataset) on Gemma 2B Model

This Model is Finetuned on a single P100 GPU , which is Freely available in Kaggle

This repository contains the code and data for fine-tuning a small language model (SLM) for the specific domain of Indian history. The project demonstrates how to adapt a pre-trained language model to better understand and generate text relevant to this historical context.


  • Kaggle/collab Account
  • GPU access in Kaggle/collab
  • Hugging Face API Key

Project Overview

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in natural language processing tasks. However, fine-tuning them for specific domains remains crucial to unlock their full potential. This project explores the adaptation of the GEMMA model for analyzing Indian history, utilizing a dedicated Indian history dataset. We employ techniques like BitsAndBytes quantization and LoraConfig customization to optimize the model for causal language modeling tasks within this domain.


  • clone the repository

git clone


Install the dependencies using the following command:


The project follows these key steps:

  • Data Preprocessing: Select and clean a specific Domain dataset. Format the data into the GEMMA model chat template.
  • Fine-tuning:
    • Use the SFTTrainer from the Hugging Face Transformers library.
    • Incorporate domain specific parameters for causal language modeling.
    • Optimize training parameters (e.g., learning rate, epochs).
    • Integrate Per-sample Feature Transform (Peft) for enhanced adaptability.
  • Evaluation and Deployment:
    • Evaluate the fine-tuned model on relevant tasks (e.g., text summarization, question answering).
    • Save and Push the model to Hugging Face.

Future Work

  • Potential future directions include:
    • Expanding the approach to other domains and languages.
    • Exploring alternative compact language models.
    • Developing techniques to understand the model's reasoning and decision-making processes.


  • Contributions to this project are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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