Help Scout AI

Sean Halpin


UX Designer

Product Designer




Visual Studio Code

Meet AI assist 👋 Your personal writing assistant

Picture this: You're navigating your inbox, catching up on past threads, and prioritizing the questions that require your attention. You open a conversation and start composing your response.
Now imagine having a virtual helping hand, quickly fine-tuning your text to ensure you strike the right chord — because you're not just answering questions; you're building customer relationships through every interaction.
With AI assist, your whole team can write better responses faster. It helps you:
Ensure every response is polished and on point.
Maintain consistent quality across your team.
Help new team members sound like seasoned pros.

Conversation summaries in seconds

Your team needs an extra pair of hands to do the more repeatable, less creative work for them so they can use their expertise in more impactful ways. AI summarize makes it easy for your service team to create a bullet point summary of long email threads in a matter of seconds. No more wasting time combing through email threads — with one click they can get the context they need to deliver a better response.
Anyone who can view the conversation can create a summary of up to five bullet points depending on the conversation length. When new threads are added to the conversation, users can easily refresh the summary.
In long, back-and-forth customer conversations, multiple team members often jump in to help and have to read through an entire conversation thread to know what needs to happen next. Effective support teams know how to write good internal notes to give each other context, but those can be time-consuming to create and are often reserved for only the trickiest situations.
AI summarize replaces all that effort with a single click of a button.
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We integrated AI to Help Scout, featuring an AI summarizer that condenses email threads into bullet points, improving efficiency for support teams.






Help Scout


UX Designer

Product Designer




Visual Studio Code

Sean Halpin

Design & Code: Crafting Products for All Sizes

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Help Scout Docs