State Library of Rio Grande do Sul

Luiza Perufo

Adobe Premiere Pro

In downtown, the city of Porto Alegre has lots of historical buildings.

One of them is the public library, which has a large variety of books and topics. They needed a video to show their value.
The main issue was the low public, few people were attending, specially young people.

The Idea

As much as libraries go unnoticed in our daily lives, since the protagonists are usually books, they are present in several narratives that are part of our repertoire, our video presents examples of this. In addition to acquiring knowledge, we can perceive new stories built right there, from the transformation caused by its space of culture and information. It's a space for everyone.
Our idea is based on the principle that the library is the fixed point of history, the people who are there are examples of what is fleeting, the books that are there are examples of what makes the library tangible but the focus is the space in which everything It happens (that's why this is the only location) because for 150 years the institution has been standing, open to everyone and making this exchange between heritage and public possible.

For that, I developed a script and narrative for the video:

✨Em determinado momento, você tentou buscar soluções para uma situação
e mesmo depois de muito pesquisar, foi o acaso que trouxe todas as respostas
A pesquisa incessante ajudou a organizar seus pensamentos
Mas no fim, foi uma questão de sorte. Estar no momento certo. No lugar certo.
E de não desistir dessa busca por conhecimento.
Biblioteca Pública. Há 150 anos reunindo repertórios. ✨
EN -
✨At one point, you tried to seek solutions to a situation
and even after a lot of research, it was chance that brought all the answers
The incessant research helped organize your thoughts
But in the end, it was a matter of luck. Be at the right time. On the right place.
And not giving up on this quest for knowledge.
Public Library. For 150 years gathering repertoires.✨
✨link for the final video (pt-br audio):✨


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