Workplace Challenges / Branding, Strategy & UI Design

Isabella Pettinato


Visual Designer

Web Designer

Product Designer




Built an accessible tool that allows over 100,000 diverse companies to run challenges and help employees build healthy wellbeing habits.


Insight Timer is a meditation app that offers the largest free library of guided meditations to over 20 million users. After COVID-19, we launched an enterprise product for corporate wellbeing however workplace admins faced challenges engaging users in meditation due to overwhelm and lack of guidance. To address this, we developed Workplace Challenges, a tool in the app for creating and tracking wellbeing challenges, driving employee participation and fostering healthy habits.


Ideation and concepting Research Wireframing and user flows UI design


Working with both the product manager and UX designer, we created user journeys for our V1 challenges release. We also outlined the features required for both the admin and employee dashboard.

Creating a challenge

We aimed to make creating a challenge smooth and easy for admins, allowing them to customise it to their workplace needs, set rewards for top performers, and easily invite employees. To further streamline the process, we provided curated templates that save time and offer a structured framework. This combination of customisation and ready-made options ensures admins can efficiently engage their teams.

Joining a challenge

Colleagues with a work email can join their company’s challenge, and admins can also invite employees via Slack, Teams, email, etc. After beta testing, 100% of respondents found the Challenge easy to join, and admins praised this process. Participants have access to Insight Timer’s beloved Timer feature, thousands of Courses, and over 150k tracks for meditation, sleep, and focus, giving them the freedom to utilize all the content and features to get ahead in the challenge.

3 progressive goals

To encourage a daily practice, Workplace Challenges include three goals based on the number of days logged. Three levels of goals keep everyone motivated where each day you participate will help move you closer to your next goal.

Track your teams progress

Admins can access detailed real time data on their Workplace dashboard on Insight Timer’s website to understand their (and the challenges) impact. After running beta testing, we saw that companies who ran challenges saw a 25% increase in active workplace members (7 days after challenge end date).

What I learnt from this project

Team communication

Establishing effective communication was a pivotal aspect of this project, given that our Enterprise team was located in different time zones between Europe and Australia. To get fast feedback and get things out sooner, we set up daily check-ins with each other and made sure to have a good structure and schedule for the project. I believe prioritising communication in this way was important for our successful collaboration.
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Posted Nov 18, 2024

Built an accessible tool that allows over 100,000 diverse companies to run challenges and help employees build healthy wellbeing habits.






Insight Timer


Visual Designer

Web Designer

Product Designer




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